
What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

Bitcoin Ordinals are the future of digital artifacts on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Bitcoin Ordinals, also known as digital artifacts, are an innovative way to inscribe digital content such as art, text, or video on the Bitcoin blockchain. Launched in January 2023 by Casey Rodarmor, Bitcoin Ordinals have the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with digital assets in a world moving towards hyperbitcoinization.

Unlike Ethereum-based nonfungible tokens (NFTs), Bitcoin Ordinals are based on ordinal theory, which assigns unique identities to satoshis (sats). This allows them to be tracked, transferred, and imbued with meaning. The rapid growth in the number of inscriptions since February 2023 suggests that Bitcoin Ordinals may be the first significant breakthrough for the Bitcoin application tier, moving the narrative from a pure "store of value" to a more utilitarian perspective.

The importance of Bitcoin Ordinals lies in the broad set of use cases they can support. While Rodarmor acknowledges that the current market fit for ordinals is as NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain, he emphasizes that they are much more than just nonfungible tokens. In the future, we can expect Bitcoin Ordinals to play a crucial role in security tokens, accounts, or stablecoins.

As the popularity of Bitcoin Ordinals grows, the Bitcoin network is experiencing an explosion in usage, fees, and storage space. This, in turn, is attracting more developers to create user-friendly tools and platforms for mining, trading, and utilizing Bitcoin Ordinals. The emerging ecosystem of applications

Exciting Bitcoin Ordinals can be found at, and also on this GitHub repository.